OK,so,I have been thinking on this one for a while now and I'm still not sure how to go about dealing with this problem. 
 I want to say it all started around the 10th grade. It was the beginning of my 10th grade year, the very first day in fact. I was going about my morning going to the school and I went into the front office to get a copy of my schedule from the front office. I was waiting for the copy of my schedule for like 10 minutes. I finally got the copy of my schedule and I started to walk towards the doors to go wait outside in the quad for the bell to ring,but,just as I open the doors I hear my name called. Now,once I heard my name called it stopped me dead in my tracks. I seemed to recognize the voice,it was my ex-girlfriend,but,where was it coming from? So,I started looking around and then I spotted her sitting in a chair with her mom. Once I saw her she came running up to me and hugged me. Now,don't get me wrong or anything but,I hadn't seen her since the 6th grade,so I was thinking WTF right. I had no idea what to say,so what did I do? I started to talking to her asking how she was and me and her got into a full blown conversation about what we've both been up to since we last saw each other. I ended up showing her around the school and we ended up becoming really close friends again,that was up until it happened. She stopped walking and looked at me,then she grabbed my hands and asked me "do you want to get back together with me?". At this point I was stunned. Now,don't get me wrong about this but I hadn't dated anyone since I last dated her back in 6th grade,and at that point I had myself a little rule that I wouldn't date her again,but me being me not thinking,I said yes. So we went about our day and we ended up on the cross country running team. we talked by day and hung out every single class,since we had the same classes together and the same lunch. Two weeks go by and now at this point me and her are deep in love with each other. One day comes and me and her are sitting in class doing our work when she gets a text from someone. I look over at her phone to see who it was and it was some random boy that had texted her(I forgot his name),so I ask her who it was that texted her and she said "its nobody",then i ask her are you cheating on me and she answers "no,why would I do that to you". So at this point she gets up and walks over to the teacher to ask the teacher something,and when she does that I go and unlock her phone and look to see who was texting her,you know just to make sure of things,so I went to her messages and guess what I found? I found out she was talking to a 9th grade boy and they were talking about dating each other. At this point she walks back to her seat and sees that I was looking to see who texted her. she gets mad and says something to me then walks out of the room,I ended up not seeing her till cross country practice after school. I went up to her during practice to ask her whats wrong and she walks away,no answer. So I then go to one of my teammates,who is a girl and I ask her for some advice on the situation,and I let her know what happened,so me and my teammate start talking to each other and all of a sudden my then girlfriend walks up to me and says "f you I'm breaking up with you". Now,at that point I was in total shock and so was my teammate. We went to go after her to talk to her because she ran off crying, and when we go to look for her she's gone from the school. After that I never saw her ever again. She left me heartbroken. Since then I've created a new rule: I'm breaking my rule for you if you decide to come back to me. No one else will I break my rules for. 

If you have any tips or advice for me text "break-up blog 2018+your name" to (760)-524-2513 or email me at sithlordcrane67@gmail.com 

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this story.


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